It's not about the price of eggs. If you thought ...
Build Your Dream or You'll Build Someone Else's
The stress of life in the US melts away almost immediately as you pass through the last set of turnstiles leading to the street vendors, farmacias, taxis and taqueros that greet you. Mexicans still make eye contact and say “¿Hola, qué tal?” The people are warm and friendly. It reminds me of the US in the 70s. Priorities are reversed. People live for family and friends first, and work second. The sounds and smells hit different. Music (and the scent of purple Fabuloso) fills the air everywhere! The food, wine, beer, coffee and gastronomy culture are world class. On the surface, Tijuana may not be the prettiest city in México, but it has a certain magic, and beauty is everywhere if you’re looking. ¿Listo? ¡Vámonos!
The sound of Tijuana in the rain
© 2025 ¡Vámonos México!
Vámonos, vámonos, todos a bailar, que la Chona ya se mueve y no puede parar --Los Tucanes de Tijuana
There are literally thousands of websites, YouTube channels and resources with an abundance of information for expats and people exploring moving to México. Almost too many, in fact, disconnected and scattered across the web. And then when you get here, you realize none of that information actually helps you navigate the nuances of moving to a new country and getting settled, all while trying to learn a new language. In my e-book — ¡Vámonos México! The Guide I Wish Existed When I Moved to México — I’ll break down the exact steps I used, to help you maneuver the complexities of moving to México and share the tips I’ve learned along the way, to make your move as frictionless as possible.
Qui voluptatem sed porro sint
The United States and Mexico share more than a land ...
Autem cumque molestias exercitat
Dolorem qui delectus aut ratione. Ab magnam modi fugiat sunt ...